The Baby (BOOK) Was Delivered Yesterday
/Well, after four years, Don and I got to see the baby (book) and hold it in our hands yesterday afternoon. In many ways it seems like a dream! Honestly, it doesn't seem possible that God really did press, press, and press, and make/let me write a book with Him. My emotions are mixed with excitement (about being obedient all the way through the process), gratitude (for what God did "to me" during the process so He could pour this information through me), and fear (that my baby might not grow, walk, and come to it's full maturity). But I am constantly reminded by God's spirit that lives inside me—"This is MY book, Cristie, and it's My reputation, not yours." So, I lean back in my desk chair and breathe a sigh of relief knowing the ultimate TRUTH is that this book and ministry is God's and not mine, and I will rest in that!