Lord, Did You Hear Me?

Do you ever pause, ponder, pray, and obey God, then wait and wait and … wait? Do you ever feel discouraged when He doesn't seem to be doing anything? Lately, I’ve been reminded just how impatient I can be. I say I trust God, but when He doesn’t move immediately I began to doubt He spoke to me, doubt I heard Him, and fear I obeyed out of foolishness. Maybe it’s just me, but I must admit I tend to expect the Almighty to move the moment I feel I’ve done my part. Wow! What am I thinking?

This morning I’m reminded once again that God’s idea of obedience is to simply keep doing the last thing He asked me to do and stay in that place until He somehow sends another directive. I love to spend time with the Lord, and I love to hear His voice. I am sometimes quick to obey. Yet, I’m realizing afresh that often I get impatient with him and fear that wells up in me when He doesn’t move as soon as I think He should. I begin doubting He hears me, feels for me, and cares about what is going on in my life. I am also realizing that’s really selfishness and a lack of belief.

Last night my wise husband said, “He hears you, sees you, and has heard the cry of your heart. Just keep doing what He told you to do and believe He will respond at the perfect time.” Why do I think that as soon as I do my part I can scoot to the edge of my seat and begin waiting, watching, and expecting Him to immediately do His part? He is God, and I’m not. There are times I am shocked by my lack of faith. But the good news is, I am still hearing and seeking His will for me and those I love, and I am convinced He is listening intently. He gave me a wonderful friend in my husband who reminds me what is true and how to respond to it. (This man of mine didn’t always fill that role. So if yours isn’t, don’t give up!) Press in, obey the last directive the Lord gave you, and persist. That’s what I am focused on today. Let’s do this together!