We Need A Fresh Fillin' Daily
/I am reading The Daily Message: Through the Bible in One Year. This morning, I find myself in Jeremiah. It's staggering how far from God His people strayed. God's beloved broke His heart and the pain brought on by their selfishness eventually made him furious.
It's good to be reminded that the Creator of the Universe created mankind because He wanted a family, someone to love and love Him back. All are invited to be part of that love, provision, and protection. When we continue to ignore Him and live our own way, we are in great danger. I realized again today, that one of the reasons God wants us to read His Word daily is so our hearts and minds can be re-calibrated in TRUTH, by Him. We may not realize it but, walking around in the world—watching TV, commercials, movies, and whatever else is before us—we are subconsciously affected by the world and its self absorbed system. I realized again how desensitized I can become in just one day. The "me first" entitled attitudes of the world fly in the face of the one who created us for a good and wonderful purpose. Truly, the only way I am made aware of the contrast is by being in God's Word and hearing his heart for me every day. I need to be reminded that God hasn't and will not change, no matter what we think or expect. He IS the ABSOLUTE TRUTH, and He won't change. Sin is sin, and it breaks God's heart, because He knows that eventually this self-centered, entitled lifestyle will hurt us, the apples of His eye, the ones He adores.